If you’re yet to earn any money online, or struggling to take your income to a level that makes a real difference in your life, this could be the most important article you’ll read.

I’ll describe the single obstacle standing in your way to building a successful 6 figure business.

You’ll learn why it exists (and it has nothing to do with business).

The only way I know, that will destroy the obstacle permanently…and the practical 25 minute method for doing so.

Once you clearly understand what’s holding you back and why, you’ll feel liberated and start experiencing rapid progress which, I promise, will surprise or even startle you!


How To Realize Your Income Dreams By Giving Up On Them

Huh? WTF do ya mean dude?

I'll best explain it with an example.

With some tweaks you’ll find yourself in the story.

Here’s Jim. 

48 years old with a wife and 2 young kids.

He dreams of escaping the 9 -5 rat race so he can enjoy more time with his growing kids, doing things he loves, and spending more quality time with his wife.


…with both working full time, they’re stressed out.

With rising costs they’re finding it hard to make ends meet.

Jim desperately wants to provide himself and his family a better quality life, but he’s stuck in his job and desperately wants to escape.

He turns as millions of us do to the internet to see how he can earn a full time income by making money online.

He sees the seemingly endless opportunities and offers to make 6 figures online and buys a bunch of courses.

He’s overwhelmed at the choices. They all seem attractive (that’s what sales letters are good at).

As is with all humans, Jim wants to succeed fast and get instantaneous results.

The overwhelming thought and emotion which dominates his mind are just how amazing his life could be with the income he so desires.

Should he create an ecommerce store and dropship?

Maybe build a blog and earn from display ads.

Or maybe affiliate marketing.

Oh wait, maybe build a profitable list.

Or a membership site and make recurring revenue.

Hold your horses….Jim just received an offer from another marketer showing how he made 100K selling simple t-shirts.

You get the point.

You and I both know, exactly what this experience is like.

You’re constantly tempted with various methods, almost all promising near instant riches.

The lustful desire of making a 6 figure income and wanting it as fast as possible leads to an unending and vicious loop of disappointment.

The promise and dream of your desired income, scurries off into the distance as soon as you sit down to do the actual work!

The work seems overwhelming.

So when the next offer of never ending “new methods” land in your inbox or facebook feed it adds fuel to the fire of your big income dream.

The constant distractions are absolute hell!

To break this vicious cycle, you need to understand why we fall prey to it.

Once you know why we fall into this destructive trap, only then can you break free with practical steps.

We need to understand why despite our best intentions we fail to make forward progress.

So let’s dive into the…..

Mind Wars - A Tale Of Two Minds

The two players involved in this conflict - our conscious mind, and our subconscious.

Once you realize the different languages they speak, and the purpose each serves, you'll enjoy a profound shift in your mindset.

Worry not. I’m not about to get all “sciencey” on you.

Layman’s explanation is all I can offer. 

It’ll be enough to make the breakthrough you’re longing for.

Your conscious mind understands language, logic, reasoning, goals etc.

Essentially the thoughts you have throughout the day are dancing around in your conscious mind.

That’s its job and does it well.

Your subconscious on the other hand only understands psychological or emotional states.

It “feels” instead of deciphering language.

Fuelled by the amygdala, or more commonly called our lizard brain, its job is to protect us from harm of any kind. Fight or flight!

It’s powerful.

And its sole job is to protect us from threats or perceived threats. And sadly for us, it views “change”....specifically and “big changes” to the status quo as a sign of danger.

It fails to distinguish between “good” change and “bad” change. ANY change is a threat.

Whatever patterns in your life are the norm, will make your subconscious feel safe and secure.

Try to ruffle its feathers and change existing patterns drastically?

It'll do its job and create endless hurdles in your attempts to implement what your conscious mind is wanting to do.

To make matters worse, the more “meaningful” the result you’re after, the more it’ll use every conceivable way to jeopardize what you’re trying to achieve.

In the face of this we try to use will power.

This never works long term because it’s very corrosive to the mind.

Trying to accomplish big changes in your life through the sheer force of will simply means you’re trying to do something against your will!

Emotionally you want to feel relaxed, but you're forcing yourself to do the opposite.

Will power only works if used sparingly, in short bursts, but is never a permanent solution.

So how can you make positive changes, without scaring your subconscious with your big dreams and life goals?

Here’s the….

How to fool your lizard brain

The only way to fool or sneak past the resistance your subconscious creates is with daily habits and creating new patterns.

While you may desire a 6 figure business that supports your dream of time freedom and lifestyle in the conscious part of your mind…

….you need to train your subconscious with a “new pattern of behavior”.

A new pattern of behavior which is repeated daily, BUT not stressful or demanding.

The daily habit needs at least to start with, be short and pretty gentle.

If the “work” makes you feel like you’re having to climb a big mountain, your subconscious will the resist your attempts to create the new habit.

You’ve heard the phrase “practice makes perfect”. I don’t believe it does.

Instead think of “practice makes permanent”.

In order to prevent cavities you brush your teeth for a few minutes each day.

You can’t brush your teeth once every 3 months for 5 hours and expect to achieve dental health right?

It’s the daily habit you’ve formed, that takes a few minutes but most importantly does not cause resistance in your mind.

In fact we do it without thinking or usually thinking about other things while doing the task.

Form a simple daily habit which doesn’t demand much from you.

Simple daily habits make the “work” required to achieve your big dreams a whole lot easier.

Accept the key to staying focused, making real progress, and getting closer to your big dream is by forming a simple daily habit of work, here’s the proven way you can….

Unlock Your Income Potential With This 25 Minute Timeboxing Method

Of the many great things Italians have given us, for entrepreneurs like us the Pomodoro technique might just rank even higher than pizza!

You’re likely aware of it.

Despite the fact Pomodoro is celebrated and used by millions as a “time management” method, the REAL VALUE I found, lies in helping create new, manageable daily habits.

To create new patterns of behavior.

Ones which hold the key to getting shit done!

You can read more about it if you wish, but in short it simply means to work to a 25 min timer, like this one.

One session is 25 mins.

The method suggests a 25 min session, followed by a short break of 5-10 minutes.

You can do another couple of sessions in the exact same way. After 3 such sessions, take a longer break.

I will however suggest, you forget about 3 sessions.

The number of sessions isn’t important. That will change based on your circumstances and experience etc.

Just focus on one 25 min session. Each day.

Don’t think about what you’ll achieve in those 25 mins.

Just commit to sitting down and working for that short duration.

The result you’re after is just to create the “small pattern” of doing some work on your business everyday.

You’re training your subconscious with a new, non threatening habit.

A habit that I promise will pay off in spades.

You’ll experience a real sense of accomplishment every day.

You’ll enjoy a palpable feeling of “moving forward”, as well as the income you will earn as a result of you taking action.

Here’s an example of how you should think and feel, when using the Pomodoro timer.

Don’t sit down to work and think….” I want to build a list, a website, create articles for traffic, write follow up email sequences, create a lead magnet, run paid ads etc”.

You’ll overwhelm yourself.

Be stressed out….and freak out!

And inevitably do absolutely none of the things you need to do!

Instead sit down, start the timer and think…”I will just work 25 mins on creating a lead magnet”.

Not complete it!

Just the simple commitment for 25 minutes to do something….ANYTHING…towards just that specific task.

Think of nothing else.

It doesn’t matter how many days you take.

Or the number of 25 mins sessions it takes you to complete your objective of creating a lead magnet.

All you care about is the act of sitting down at your computer and doing something.

I can tell you from experience….

….you’ll be amazed at just how fast you can create.

You’ll rapidly build a simple business for yourself, and be very handsomely rewarded in dollars earned.

Forming habits are the only way I’ve found that works.

I know you will find it to be true too.

Now go and form your new life changing 25 min habit!

I’d love for you to share your thoughts below in the comments section.

About the author 


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