I know this is an “about me” page, but it’s more about YOU.

You’re here to learn the quickest way to online success, and enjoy a life with a comfortable lifestyle and time freedom.

With experience of over a decade in online business, there are just a few factors I’ve found which determine whether or not you’ll succeed.


Define what success means to you. There is no universal definition of success.

First write down what kind of life you want, in terms of lifestyle, security etc.

Then figure out how much money you actually need per month on average to realize the ideal life you described.


Man is standing at the fork,feel confused.

Decide on a particular “system” of building your business.

We’ve all been victims of a dangerous problem, particularly online.

The problem being “choice”.

Not the lack of choice, but instead the abundance of choices.

The temptation to opportunity hop from system to system and not sticking with any of them.

Last But Not Least

And finally, doing something for your business every day.

Consistency will beat any “marketing or business methods” you’ll learn from the never ending courses you likely buy.

The last two factors are so important.

They require a workmanlike understanding of what your obstacle is and the practical way to overcome it permanently.

I’d advise you to read this article of mine here - The 25 Minute Method Crushes The Biggest Obstacle In Your Way To Making 6 Figures Online

My Brief Story

I worked different jobs from the age of 19 for over 15 years in London, UK.

From International Currency Exchange companies, Barclays Bank, IT departments in software companies, to my last and final job as an adviser in the British civil service.

The last job allowed me to experience mental lows so crushing, a do or die feeling prompted me to look for a way to get out of the wretched 9-5 cycle of despair.

I was miserable towards the end.

A New Beginning 

Of course, I turned online with probably a Google search phrase you may have started with too 🙂

“How to make money online”

Thus my journey online started.

Being fearful all I managed the first year was buying various courses, and learning. I didn’t have the gumption to dive in with any actual work! lol!

As time went by I started taking massive action and over the years I have created info products from scratch, wrote the copy, built email lists to over 50000, affiliate marketing, paid traffic, SEO, Ecommerce, blogging, you name it I’ve done it or at least dabbled in it.

Most of the success I’ve enjoyed has been in info products and affiliate marketing.

I’ve had number 1 ranked websites in niche markets only for an Google “animal or bird” update to destroy it.

I had a very good run for a few years back in the day with Adwords till, like thousands of others got “slapped”, and lost the account. ( BTW, it’s back again now….Google has stopped being so draconian)

Having made 6 figures over the years, some things in my personal life derailed me for a good while and once again found myself very distracted and unable to focus on any one thing/system.

With a great deal of internal work on “myself” NOT business, I turned it round and am back on course!! 🙂

I’ll wrap this up here.

If you’re struggling with your journey to being a solopreneur, feel free to reach out and I may be able to help you get out of the funk.

Wishing you the very best!!

